Thursday, August 11, 2011

In Light of This Week's Reading

This Day by Derek J. (Inspired by a sermon by Cliff Blair)

This day I wake to noise, pain, shouting, screamed hatred, noiseless indifference.

This day I realize will be the day my short violent life will be cut short by my ignorance.

This day I groan as they place on me the heavy instrument of my torture, my demise.

This day I see a man guilty of no crime sharing my despicable fate, sharing my shame.

This day I hang, naked, choking, dying next to the One who is saving the people stealing his life.

This day I weep, the One the prophets spoke of, bleeding, mocked, torn, murdered, silent.

This day I fade, my weak body decays so quickly, draining away what little time remains, drop after drop.

This day I hear another like me, cursing, taunting, mindless filth, lashing out at the only Saviour of mankind.

This day I gasp, growling through clenched teeth, fighting for every ragged tiny breath, I mutter a rebuke.

This day I rejoice, a peace that defies words calms my panicked soul, as my Saviour, MY SAVIOUR, speaks.

"This day you will be with me in Paradise."

1 comment:

  1. Was reading J.C. Ryle this week, excellent sermon about the thief on the cross.

    You can read it for yourself here:
